Diversity, Equity & Inclusion


At Fraser Stryker, we are deeply committed to fostering a workplace that celebrates diversity, promotes inclusivity, and upholds the values of equity and respect for all.


Fraser Stryker PC LLO Diversity & Inclusion Statement

We firmly believe that embracing diversity and bringing different perspectives to the table is a crucial component of our collaborative culture. By doing so, we are able to more effectively understand and address the complex legal needs of our clients while enriching our own professional experiences.

Our clients rightfully demand legal service providers that reflect the diversity of the community in which we practice. Accordingly, we define diversity broadly, whether that diversity is reflected in race, gender, religion, age, LGBTQIA+ status, disability status, or other backgrounds, experiences, beliefs, and perspectives that make each individual unique. We are dedicated to recognizing and celebrating those differences.

Fraser Stryker is Committed to:


We are committed to creating an inclusive culture where all voices are heard and respected. We seek to understand and appreciate the varied perspectives, ideas, and experiences of our team members, clients, and the communities we serve.

  • Fraser Stryker has established a Diversity Committee made up of a collection of attorneys and staff who have volunteered their time and talents to further our commitment to promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion throughout the Firm and our community.


We are deeply involved in the local community and are committed to making a positive impact. We recognize that our commitment to diversity extends beyond our Firm’s walls and into the communities we serve. We strive to be active contributors to the advancement of diversity, equity, and justice.

  • Involvement in the communities we serve is a core value at our Firm. We encourage our attorneys and staff to serve in leadership positions and volunteer with civic and nonprofit organizations that support DEI efforts.
  • Attorneys engage in pro bono activities, like the Volunteers Lawyers Project and Tenant Assistance Project (TAP).
  • Members of our Firm walk in the Heartland Pride Parade, part of the annual Heartland Pride Parade and Festival in downtown Omaha.


We acknowledge that education and awareness are essential to fostering a culture of diversity and inclusion. We encourage open dialogue, provide training and resources, and actively seek to deepen our understanding of the diverse perspectives that enrich our Firm.

  • LeadDIVERSITY: We encourage members of our team to apply to participate in the LeadDIVERSITY program through Inclusive Communities. This year-long program focuses on developing a network of local leaders who are committed to pursuing diversity and inclusion solutions for Nebraska.
  • Commitment to Opportunity, Diversity and Equity (CODE): We have signed the CODE Employer Coalition’s pledge as part of the Greater Omaha Chamber of Commerce’s Commitment to Opportunity, Diversity and Equity (CODE), which has been established to “…help the community achieve sustainable growth in the areas of diversity, inclusivity, equity and opportunity.”
  • Nebraska Paralegal Association (NePA) & Omaha Bar Association (OBA) Annual Diversity Event: Each year, the Firm sponsors the NePA and OBA Annual Diversity Event. This event provides a diversity and inclusion educational opportunity for all Nebraska paralegals, and we encourage all of our paralegals to attend.
  • Spring Mixer, hosted by the Midlands Bar Association and Creighton University’s Black Law Students Association: Our Firm has sponsored this annual Spring Mixer, which brings together professionals around Omaha to network and learn about diversity in the legal profession.


We actively seek diverse talent in our hiring processes to reflect the diversity of our community. We strive to attract and retain individuals from all backgrounds, and we support their professional development and advancement.


We hold ourselves accountable to the principles of this diversity and inclusion statement, and we continuously assess our progress, identifying areas for improvement and making the necessary changes to better serve our commitment to diversity.


We are an equal opportunity employer and do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, national origin, genetics, disability, age, or veteran status.

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