Fraser Stryker will honor Mr. Clauss and Mr. Davis during an awards luncheon on May 29, 2014.

Gabriel Clauss is a competitive track runner and was named the eighth-fastest runner in the state of Nebraska in 2013. His dream of becoming a lawyer led him to join the student council, Principal Advisory Council, Future Business Leaders of America, and youth leadership at Northwest High School. Gabriel plans to go to Kansas University to major in Education and History. Upon receiving his undergraduate degree, he plans to go to law school.
Cole Davis is a member of the National Honor Society, student council, and recipient of the Mock Trial Varsity Letter. Cole was active in Operation Others CORE Team, a leadership organization to help coordinate, collect, and package Christmas dinners for people experiencing poverty in Omaha. Cole would like to attend Baylor University and major in Sociology and pre-law. His dream is to work for the United Nations’ Office of Legal Affairs.
Started in 2006, this program provides financial aid for college-bound students and also gives Fraser Stryker scholars the opportunity to learn about the practice of law by working in the firm during the summer months. Each scholarship is in the amount of $2,500 per academic year.
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