Get Nebraska Growing Initiative – Small Business Stabilization Grant Deadline Extended

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The CARES Act, passed by Congress and signed into law by the President, allocated $1.83 billion to the State of Nebraska.


Revised 07/15/2020

On June 12, 2020, Governor Ricketts laid out plans on how the first initial tranche of $387 million would be spent, dubbing the program the Get Nebraska Growing initiative.

Grants to Small Business

NOTE: Applications for Small Businesses are re-opening with expanded eligibility through Friday (7/17) at 4:00 PM CT. Businesses with 75 or fewer employees who are licensed for withholding are now eligible. 

The Nebraska Small Business Stabilization Grant is allocated $330 million to help cover operating expenses for Nebraska small businesses and livestock producers. Eligible small businesses are those Nebraska-owned businesses with 1 to 75 employees as of March 13, 2020 that have closed or sustained a loss of revenue or employment since March 13, 2020.

Businesses in the following industries are not eligible:

  • Mining (NAICS 21)
  • Utilities (NAICS 22)
  • Finance and Insurance (NAICS 52)
  • Management of Companies & Enterprises (NAICS 55)
  • Educational Services (NAICS 61)
  • Public Administration (NAICS 92)
  • Lobbyist and Political Organizations

The application must be made online (see Application Guideline available here).

Applications were initially accepted from June 15, 2020, through June 26, 2020.  A new deadline for applications is July 17, 2020 for small businesses but NOT livestock producers. Awards will be issued to qualifying applicants until funds are exhausted.

You can read more about the Nebraska Small Business Stabilization Grant here.

Workforce Retraining Initiative

The Department of Economic Development allocated $16 million to the Workforce Retraining Initiative. The program ran through Nebraska community colleges; individuals who have lost employment as a result of COVID-19 were invited to apply to the community colleges for financial aid.

You can read more about the Workforce Retraining Initiative here, but applications have closed

Rural Broadband

The Governor announced a $40 million rural broadband grant to provide connectivity to unserved and underserved communities in Nebraska. Broadband service providers are eligible to apply in communities in which the majority of residents do not have access to or the ability to subscribe to broadband service with a minimum of 25 Mbps download and 3 Mbps upload. Grant were to be used to provide service to eligible community meeting certain standards. The project must be completed by December 30, 2020.

You can read more about the Rural Broadband Grant here, but applications have closed.

Gallup Business Leadership Training Grant

Nebraska businesses with 500 or fewer employees in industries eligible for the Nebraska Advantage Act are eligible to participate in a 30-week online course to learn management and leadership techniques. This grant is allocated $1 million.

You can read more about the Gallup Leadership Training Grant here, but applications have closed.

A printable version of this information can be found by clicking HERE.

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