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Manufacturers are increasingly confronted with multilayered legal, technological, labor, supply chain, and regulatory challenges across all sectors. As business-minded attorneys, Fraser Stryker provides counsel on complex issues and develops sophisticated strategies to help manufacturers pursue their business objectives.

Over the last few years, the manufacturing sector has faced a multitude of challenges, from intricate legal matters and changing government regulations, to consistent technological advancements, rising labor shortages, and supply chain interruptions. The issues that arise from these challenges play a major role in a manufacturer’s ability to grow their business and increase profitability while managing risks and controlling costs. Our comprehensive, operationally-oriented approach helps clients by developing sophisticated solutions that solve the concerns of today and employ innovative strategies for future success.

Full-Service Legal Support for Manufacturers

Our manufacturing clients span all sizes, from family-owned or mid-sized companies to national and global corporations. As trusted advisors, we routinely counsel manufacturers on daily operational needs as well as complex transactions. We combine our industry knowledge with our collaborative working style to provide full-service legal support to manufacturers with issues related to government and regulatory compliance, labor management and workplace safety, immigration, financing, tax, IP, technology, insurance, transportation, product liability, toxic torts, and other litigation matters.

Whether looking to improve overall operations, negotiate an agreement, ensure compliance, or address potential litigation, we are dedicated to helping manufacturers overcome the difficulties of operating in today’s rapidly changing business environment.


Representative experience includes:

  • Defense of steel plant in EPA enforcement cases.
  • Represented cement manufacturing facility in multiple compliance and permitting proceedings before EPA and state environmental agencies.
  • Counsel and permitting work for brass foundry before EPA and state agencies.
  • Defense of electric utilities in EPA and state enforcement cases.
  • Environmental auditing guidance to multiple manufacturing and utility clients.
  • Representation of ethanol plants in administrative and judicial challenges to permitting decisions.