New Form I-9 Mandatory on May 1, 2020

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Starting May 1, 2020, employers will be required to use the Form I-9 version dated 10/21/2019.


Although there are no changes to the paper form beyond the version date at the bottom of the page on the form and instructions, the electronic, fillable Form I-9 contains several, minor changes.

Additional Countries of Issuance

The electronic Form I-9 has an additional number of countries that have been added to the “Country of Issuance” drop-down field in Section 1.

Employer Authorized Representative

Clarification has been included to address who can act as an authorized representative for employers in Section 2. Anyone can be designated to act as an authorized representative for employers, but employers will still be held liable for violations committed by designated individuals.

EAD Clarification

Clarification has been added indicating that a Form I-766 Employment Authorization Document (EAD) is a List A document establishing both identity and work authorization, rather than a List C document establishing work authorization only.

Acceptable Documents Clarification

Writing “N/A” in the unused identity document columns within the acceptable documents section is no longer necessary.

For assistance with this, or any immigration-related issue, reach out to Fraser Stryker’s Immigration Law attorneys at 402.341.600

This article has been prepared for general information purposes and (1) does not create or constitute an attorney-client relationship, (2) is not intended as a solicitation, (3) is not intended to convey or constitute legal advice, and (4) is not a substitute for obtaining legal advice from a qualified attorney. Always seek professional counsel prior to taking action.

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