Steve Hogan Chosen for 2020/2021 LeadDIVERSITY Cohort

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Fraser Stryker attorney Steven Hogan has been selected to be an Advocate in the 2020/2021 LeadDIVERSITY program.


LeadDIVERSITY is an Inclusive Communities program held in partnership with OPPD, the Greater Omaha Chamber of Commerce and The Business Ethics Alliance.

LeadDIVERSITY is a year-long program focused on developing a network of local leaders who are committed to pursuing diversity and inclusion solutions for Nebraska. According to the Inclusive Communities website, “LeadDIVERSITY participants (referred to as Advocates) receive exceptional skills training to move Nebraska workplaces and communities forward. They will work together on a diversity, equity and inclusion focused service project highlighting the imperative nature of implementing serious social change.”

“As an Advocate in the LeadDIVERSITY program, Steve will learn new perspectives on how to foster and advance diversity, equity, and inclusion solutions both within our community and Fraser Stryker.” said Steve Bruckner, partner at Fraser Stryker. ” We are looking forward to learning more from Steve as he progresses through the program with this impressive group of current and future leaders.”

Steve Hogan is an Associate at Fraser Stryker who focuses his practice on litigation, providing services to the Firm’s clients in federal litigation, appellate practice, insurance defense and self-insured litigation, commercial litigation, personal injury, commercial trucking defense, and class action litigation. Steve’s practice area also includes both creditor and debtor bankruptcy claims.

This article has been prepared for general information purposes and (1) does not create or constitute an attorney-client relationship, (2) is not intended as a solicitation, (3) is not intended to convey or constitute legal advice, and (4) is not a substitute for obtaining legal advice from a qualified attorney. Always seek professional counsel prior to taking action.

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